By the time of the big science shindig, Dina is quoting "Hamlet" (not realizing the irony of Polonius' speech, evidently), and arcane scientific journals, painting like Van Gogh and composing like Beethoven. Andy doesn't want them experimenting on his aunt ("Theysay they can make you better, but God made you the way you are"), but Dina wants to improve herself at least to the point of learning to read. "We're scientists." It's a wonder they aren't being picketed by scientists. "We can't be concerned with what other people think," vows Ryan. Conlon and Ryan are immediately identified as in it for the money and glory they're being picketed by a group who accuse them of playing God. Their choice is Dina Blake (Lee), a woman who divides her time between playing with kids at a nearby park and working in a snack shop run by her nephew and guardian, Andy (Stan Cahill). Researchers Mitch Conlon and Linda Ryan (Robin Thomas Susan Blakely) have raised intelligence levels of a pair of chimps, and would like to accomplish the same with a human in time for a big scientific confab scheduled to take place at the Conlon Institute. While its story with elements of everything from "Frankenstein" to "Charly" to "Phenomenon" seems a bit fuzzy, veering away from either the horrific aspects of story or a strong examination of the morality of such genetic experimentation, the vidpic earns high placement in her resume. "Color Me Perfect" was exec produced, co-written and directed by its star, Michele Lee.

Subjected to scientific experimentation, mentally retarded woman becomes an I.Q.-172 genius. Cast: Michele Lee, Susan Blakely, Robin Thomas, Stan Cahill, Nathanial Deveaux, Hiromoto Ida, Joy Coghill, Katie Stuart, Ecstasia Sanders, Jorge Vargas, Chris Lovick, Chris Humphreys, Brian Arnold, Joanna Piros, Claire Riley, Kevin Hayes, David Lewis. Executive producer, director, Michele Lee producer, Clara George line producer, David Shepherd writers, Lee, Mueller camera, Laszlo George editor, Thomas Petersen production designer, Andrew Wilson art director, Catherine Quinn music, Nan Schwatz Mishkin sound, William Butler casting, Penny Ellers, Stuart Aikins. in association with Hearst Entertainment. You can tap the white balance button repeatedly to loop through available modes until you find the one that is best for your setting.Filmed in Vancouver, B.C., by Michele Lee Prods. You may also need to enable the white balance feature to improve color accuracy whenever you are indoors or under direct sunlight. To turn the flash on or off, click on the light button at the top-right corner. In a low or poorly-lit environment, turn on your mobile phone flash. Many raised bars mean that the captured color is perfect for your color type. The bar’s height grows with the likeness between the captured color and the color in the palette. Each bar signifies an individual color in the active palette. There is a row of colorful bars at the bottom of the screen. Tap the square swatch to open the captured color in the Fabric Preview Page. You can switch between the two modes by clicking the lock icon on the square swatch. Overlay mode allows you to freeze the color of the square swatch and see how the captured color (star rays) and the chosen color (square swatch) work together.